It's #OkayToSay

Communications & Stigma Reduction
Removing the image of what a person looks like experiencing health issues through programs such as Okay to Say.
Creating an effective and meaningful image to represent the Texoma Behavioral Health Leadership Team and the spirit the organization embodies.
Website & Social Media
Creating a centralized web presence with a focus on communicating the efforts of the TBHLT on social media platforms.
Workplace Program
TBHLT's Communications Committee is devising a process to focus on evaluating the effectiveness of promoting a mentally-healthy workplace.
Upcoming committee meetings
- There are no upcoming events.
Participating in video recordings for TBHLT?
Please download and complete these forms and submit them to your point of contact.
Amount of Texans who agree stigma surrounding mental health issues needs to be removed.
9 out of 10 Texans think it's harder to talk about mental health rather than physical issues.
3 in 4 Texans have a friend or family member that has experienced a mental health issue.
3 out of 4 Texans agree more education would make them feel more confident about discussing mental illness.